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Savings Account
This account is on an open membership as anyone is legible to it provide you are our member. We enable you to have a robust savings plan with us exposing you to savings interests of 10% amongst other benefits. This account will enable you to access loans up to Ksh. 200,000 with repayments periods of up to 24 months. Holders of this account contribute Ksh.1000 per month and can even access loans up to 3 times the amount contributed.
We strive to give you the best and our loan repayment terms are friendly.
Some of the features of savings account loans are as follows:
- The maximum loan amount is Ksh. 100,000.
- The interest of 1% per month amortized.
- The maximum repayment period is 12 months.
- Loan processed within 3 days.
Some of the terms and conditions include:
- Applicants must be a member.
- Applicants must make a minimum of monthly contributions.
- The loan must be guaranteed.
- The mode of recovery is through check-off
- Copy of national ID/ passport.
- 2 passport size colored photos.
- KRA certificate.
- Filled membership application forms.