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Mission & Values

Home Mission & Values


Our Mission Is To Offer The Best Financial Services In The Region

With the existence of various challenges in the world, we stand in the gap in offering robust financial programmes to mitigate today’s challenges in our society. To enable us, we hold dear to the values and a strong solid foundation that has enabled us to operate through the years. We are on a mission and business of changing lives.

Our Mission

Our mission is to organize and promote the welfare and economic interests of our members. We also endeavor to:

  • Promote members by offering them an opportunity to save and invest.
  • Ensure personal growth through the introduction of new products.
  • Ensure progress of members through continuous financial education.
  • To promote member’s financial interest through cooperation.

Core Values

Co-operative pricniples and values

In order to achieve its objects the society shall act in accordance with the following co-operative principles and relevant rules:

  • Voluntary and open membership
  • Democratic member control
  • Economic participation by member
  • Autonomy and independence
  • Education, training, and information
  • Co-operation among co-operatives
  • Concern for community in general

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We will be glad to have you on our team, get in touch and we will be ready to walk with you.

Call +254 731 005723