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Development Loans

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    Development Loans

    This loan takes care of members’ interest by providing them a plan to invest and develop; acquire properties, renovate, purchase assets, start and accomplish projects, innovate and establish themselves. Access up-to Ksh.1.5 million with a repayment plan of 60 months.

    We strive to give you the best and our loan repayment terms are friendly.


    Some of the features of development loans are as follows:

    • The maximum amount is Ksh. 1.5 M.
    • The interest of 1% on a reducing balance.
    • The maximum repayment period is 60 months.
    • Given x3 of deposits.


    Some of the terms and conditions include:

    • Applicants must be a member.
    • Applicants must make a minimum of monthly contributions.
    • The loan must be guaranteed.
    • The mode of recovery is through check-off