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    Business Loans

    The biashara plus loan enables individuals, groups, chamas, etc to start and establish businesses. We give these loans to people who currently operate a registered business for at least 6 months with a limit depending on your daily transactions.

    We strive to give you the best and our loan repayment terms are friendly.


    Some of the features of business loans are as follows:

    • The limit depends on your daily transactions.
    • Repayment is on a daily basis for a maximum of 90 days.
    • Interest is on a 13% flat rate.
    • Processed within24 hrs and disbursed to your phone.


    Some of the terms and conditions include:

    • Applicants must own a fully registered/licensed business.
    • Applicants must make a minimum of monthly contributions.
    • Loan given subject to the two-thirds rule.
    • The mode of recovery is through check-off